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Rifle Review: Proof Research's Elevation Lightweight Hunter - A Perfect Match!

In an age where quantity over quality is prioritized, Proof Research goes against the current and delivers truly quality rifles without the outrageous price tag. While they have developed a rifle for nearly every application, the Elevation Lightweight Hunter is the perfect match for the recreational hunter.


What makes the Elevation, and Proof Research as a whole, stand-out is their use of high-quality parts and materials combined with a team of not just highly-skilled people, but people who are shooting/hunting enthusiasts and know their way around a firearm. This combination of skill and intimate knowledge of the shooting/hunting landscape has resulted in a truly well-rounded firearm that cuts no corners and delivers sub-MOA accuracy right out-of-the-box!

Starting out with the barrel, the Elevation is outfitted with a Proof-patented carbon fiber-wrapped, match-grade barrel. What is immediately different about the barrel is that Proof opted to leave the carbon fiber's finish in it's natural form giving the Elevation a truly unique look as a vast majority of the industry generally goes with the tech finish.

We then have Proof's patented carbon fiber stock to pair with the barrel. From our personal experience outfitting the Elevation for clients, the stock has shown itself to be solid, durable and overall reliable no matter the outdoor conditions you may find yourself in.

As for the action and trigger, the Elevation sports a Zermatt Arms Origin action and TriggerTech trigger. The action features controlled round feed, which is a feature to have out in the field. As for the trigger, it is as you can expect with a rifle of this quality, I personally did not have the tools with me at the time to accurately measure it, but from experience it is a ~3 lb. trigger that truly had zero take-up and broke incredibly crisply.

Overall, it’s a premium, lightweight, backcountry hunting rifle that’s perfect for the recreational hunter and backed with a sub-MOA guarantee from factory.


Shop the Elevation Lightweight Hunter!



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